Absolut Black Box Event
Agency: WTM Markting (Shanghai, China)
Creative director: Bruce Cue
Art director: Evgenia Timofeeva
Copywriter: Xiao San

My responsibilities:
– Art direction
– Onsite activities and interior design ideas
– Final graphic artworks supervision
– Sketches
– Graphic design
– Digital support
Absolut is famous for its collaborations with modern artists. Absolut Black Box events are made not only to meet friends, drink and dance, but to touch Art.
We developed the event content (installations, DJ, bar menu, etc.) and the decorations. Besides this, our team also painted one of the pavilions and worked as bartenders in chemistry themed bar.

Invititation looked as a simple black card on a first sight, but has a special lenses inside through which you can see all the information.    
Pop up corner
BTL activations